There is no definitive method of predicting when a person will pass away, but there are some signs that indicate that your loved one is nearing his or her final days. If your loved one is dying, hospice care in the home can help you identify those symptoms and work with you to make those final days comfortable for your loved one. Here are some of the most common signs to look for and what you and hospice can do. 

Mental Confusion

Your loved one might show signs of confusion or speak or respond less to friends and family. You might even notice your loved one talking to people who are not in the room. As your loved one's body starts to shut down, the brain can sometimes be effected because it is an organ too. 

To help your loved one during this time, it is important that you and everyone in the room stay calm. Talk softly to avoid startling your loved one. The hospice nurse can help you understand exactly what is going on with your loved one physically that is causing the confusion. The social worker and counselors can help you and your family with dealing with the emotions that everyone is feeling from witnessing the change in your loved one. 

Loss of Appetite

As your loved one nears death, he or she most likely will not feel the need eat as much because of the decline in energy needs. In some instances, your loved one might not be physically capable of eating foods, even if they are mushy or your loved one's favorites. 

It is important that you do not try to force feed your loved one. If she or he expresses an interest in eating, you can attempt to offer food then. As part of hospice care, your loved one can be given nourishment intravenously. If you are concerned with the foods that your loved one is receiving, there is a nutritionist on-staff who can discuss what your loved one can and cannot eat and can also suggest modifications that might make eating easier. 

There are many other symptoms that you will notice as your loved one nears death. The hospice care team will meet with you and your family to discuss what else to expect. You can also find out other ways to make your loved one comfortable going forward so that his or her final days are as stress and pain-free as possible. 
