When you have an elderly loved one who suffers from mobility issues, you likely find yourself wondering if there is anything that you can do to help them to deal with their mobility issues and remain as safe as possible in their home on any given day. However, you may not know what steps you can take to make these goals a reality. Get to know more about how you can assist your elderly loved one and how to keep them safe in spite of their mobility issues.
Consider Occupational Therapy For Your Loved One
When it comes to dealing with mobility issues, one of the best possible ways that you can help your loved one is to get them into an occupational therapy program. The first step in this process is to take your loved one to their primary care physician to be evaluated and to ensure there is not a medical condition requiring other treatments that affects their mobility. Some of these conditions could include a knee or hip that needs to be replaced.
If their physician determines that there is no such condition, they can then make a referral to an occupational therapist. Occupational therapy is much like physical therapy but it is more focused on helping patients become better able to handle the tasks of daily living, such as maneuvering around the house, climbing stairs, and taking a shower and getting dressed. When a person has mobility issues, all of these tasks can be more difficult.
Occupational therapy builds muscle strength, improved flexibility, and can help your loved one develop coping strategies to be safer as they go about their daily lives. As such, if you are worried about your loved one's safety at home, this is one of the best options to make sure they are as safe as possible.
Install Ramps Or Stairlifts
If a person has mobility issues, one of the most treacherous areas of their house will be stairs. Falling on the stairs can cause numerous injuries and when a person has difficulty walking or maneuvering obstacles, such falls become more likely. There are ways around this issue, though.
You can install ramps next to or over small sets of steps, such as those outside of their home. Porch or front steps can be replaced or accompanied by textured ramps with sturdy handrails. The textured surface prevents slips and falls while the gradual incline paired with the handrails allow your loved one to walk into the house even without being able to move easily or lift their legs as high as they would need to in order to climb steps.
For larger sets of steps, you can install a stairlift to help your loved one get up and down the stairs. These stairlifts have a secure and safe seat that your loved one will sit in to go up and down the stairs. It operates on a rail and when the button is pressed will automatically carry your loved one from one floor of their home to another. These stairlifts ensure that your loved one is safe by keeping them from ever having to try to climb the stairs in their home at all. Companies like All-Star Lifts may be able to help you find something that will work for your situation.
Now that you know more about how you can help your loved one with mobility issues, you can be sure that you are doing everything you can do to keep them safe at home.