If you suffer from persistent bouts of coughing and wheezing, ask a doctor to check you for asthma. Asthma can be dangerous if it isn't properly diagnosed by a doctor. Your symptoms could be signs of asthma or something else. Learn more about your mysterious symptoms and how asthma might be the reason for them below.
What Are the Symptoms of Asthma?
Many people consider asthma a condition that only occurs in children and teens, but it isn't. When asthma occurs in adults, it's called adult-onset asthma. Adult-onset asthma can develop in your 30s, or it can occur in your 70s.
The symptoms of adult-onset asthma are described as persistent, or never-ending. These symptoms may include wheezing, coughing, and feeling short of breath. Some symptoms can become worse when you exercise, lift something heavy, or feel stressed and anxious.
The causes of adult-onset asthma can vary, but people with allergies and other respiratory conditions may experience it. Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke, paint, pest control sprays, and other chemicals may trigger asthma in adults. These issues may be the reason you have asthma. However, you won't know the real reason for your asthma until you visit a physician.
How Do You Know If You're an Asthma Sufferer?
A doctor will examine your lungs and other upper respiratory organs to see if you have asthma. Asthma causes the upper airways to close up or narrow. Inflammation may also affect your airways. Your lungs may also have problems expanding when you inhale air.
A physician may use special equipment to test you for asthma. Some tools check the functions of your lungs, including how well they fill up with air when you breathe. A doctor may use a lung function test to help determine the type of treatments you need. For example, if your lungs don't expand properly, a doctor may use medications to strengthen them.
You can maintain a healthy respiratory system by avoiding things (triggers) that make your asthma symptoms flare up or get worse. If you must work in an environment that has a trigger, protect your respiratory system by wearing protective nasal masks. If necessary, speak to your employer about your asthma. Your employer may be able to make changes in the workplace that keep you healthy.
For more information and assistance about adult-onset asthma and its persistent symptoms, contact an asthma treatment doctor close to your area today.